The Acolyte: Who is (Blank)? Spoiler Theory – ScreenHub Entertainment

Potential spoilers+spoilers for episode five

Episode five of The Acolyte pulled the veil back and revealed to us who the mysterious Master was and lo and beyond, it was none other than Qimir. Okay, we all saw that coming, but there’s more going on here than just the reveal. There are two nuggets of information to bite into as we try and figure out where this story is going and who Qimir is in the overall canon.

[Credit: Lucasfilm/Disney+]

One is the musical cues going on in the episode, alongside Qimir’s helmet. From the get-go, I thought his helmet was very similar to that of Kylo Ren’s and episode five went even further by actually using some of the musical cues associated with Kylo in the sequel trilogy, which made me (and seemingly half the fandom) ponder if Qimir is less Sith and more Knight of Ren.

While the Knights of Ren proved to be utterly useless in The Rise of Skywalker, they’ve proven to be far more interesting in the comics, specifically the Kylo Ren miniseries and the recent Crimson Reign arc. The “Ren” in Knights of Ren is actually the name of the lightsaber and the title given to the leader of the unit, who are a band of Dark-side warriors. We don’t know too much about the enclave, but we do know they were operational during the time of the Empire, so having Qimir be a proto-Knight isn’t so far-fetched.

[Credit: Lucasfilm/Disney+]

Now, onto Qimir’s name itself. After doing a bit of sleuthing, I came across some information that Qimir is awfully close to the Arabic word “Qamar”, which in turn translates to “Moon” in English. Considering there’s a character on the show named “Sol”, which is Spanish for “Sun”, I’d wager a bet that these two are brothers. Qimir asks Sol if he recognizes him and I’m guessing he’s referring to their childhood. If Sol was taken by the Jedi while Qimir was an infant, there’s a chance Sol wouldn’t remember that he even had a brother. We’ve spent time on this show focusing on how the Jedi essentially abduct children into their ranks and keep safeguards in place for other Force users practicing outside of the Jedi doctrine, such as monitoring the Witches to make sure they don’t overstep their boundaries.

Going forward, I think we’ll learn who trained Qimir (Mother Koril is my guess) and what his connection to Sol is. I also think we’ll learn more about Qimir’s philosophy and whether he is in fact Sith, and if he is, where he ranks in the hierarchy. I’ll reaffirm that I do not think he’s the Sith Master, my guess is he’s either the apprentice or he’s not even Sith. But we’ll find out more over the course of the next three weeks.

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