Secret Invasion Episode 2: ‘Promises’ Spoiler Review – ScreenHub Entertainment

By the end of the second episode of Marvel’s Secret Invasion, a distinct impression had been made. This is a modernized John Le Carré yarn, woven into the current titan of pop culture. Despite being MCU, this show is doubling down on the spy thriller genre and honestly, not only is it refreshing, but it’s all the better for it.

Clocking in at just under an hour, Secret Invasion’s second episode dives deep into the consequences of last week’s episode and sets up plenty of intrigue and dialogue-heavy scenes. This show embraces those dialogue-heavy scenes, showcasing some great acting from the talented cast, as well as opting not to rush through events. I wonder how casual MCU fans, who have become accustomed to the action and CGI-heavy formula of the films feel about this series, which honestly invoked Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy more than a few times this week.

[Credit: Marvel Studios/Disney+]

And credit where credit is due. In last week’s review, I was particularly critical of the fight sequence, noting the quick cuts and the obviousness of the stunt doubles. While we’re not in Extraction 2 territory, the action scene at the end of this episode was far better, offering clearer cinematography and less emphasis on quick cuts. There was also a level of violence I wasn’t prepared for. From a severed finger in an interrogation to arterial spray from gunshots and knives, this episode (like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3), is pushing the boundaries of the normally squeaky-clean franchise, as well as what qualifies as PG-13.

We learn this week that several high-ranking political, military and media members are all in fact infiltrated Skrulls, who in turn elect Gravik as their General. When asked about poking the bear and bringing the Avengers out, Gravik implies he has a plan that will take care of this complication.

[Credit: Marvel Studios/Disney+]

Gravik is an interesting villain and I understand his hatred. As a child, he heard Nick Fury promise him and his people that he and Carol Danvers would find them a new planet to call home. That was the 90s and yet today, the Skills are still no better off than they were, having been played by Fury in some capacity to be his ultimate spies. Fed up being pawns, Gravik has elected to speed up humanity’s inevitable doom by triggering a nuclear war, one where the Skills will inherit the planet. Gravik’s speech about how he prepares dogs to humans was a standout. Likewise, Don Cheadle got to flex his acting range and deliver his best scene in the MCU to date at a restaurant with Fury. I’m pretty sure he’s a Skrull though, working to get Fury removed from his job, which would only benefit Gravik’s cause.

[Credit: Marvel Studios/Disney+]

I really like how this show, so far at least, is not playing by the normal MCU playbook. These Marvel shows often start strong but fizzle out by the end thanks to a formulaic and action-heavy finale, so I’m hoping Secret Invasion doesn’t fall into this trap by giving us CGI nonsense as a closer. They have a good thing going with the tone of the show, I really hope they stick the landing on this one as I’m very hooked so far.

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