Secret Invasion Episode 3: ‘Betrayed’ Spoiler Review – ScreenHub Entertainment

Let me emphasize that spoiler warning one more time.

Secret Invasion may be pulling in smaller numbers with audiences, but it’s going big in terms of shock value and legitimately didn’t see that coming moments. While World War III was avoided thanks to Fury, Talos and G’iah, it wasn’t a happy ending for the third episode of this MCU spy thriller.

So let’s get it out of the way, shall we? At the end of the episode, failing to obtain information from a Skrull named Robert with aboard codes for a submarine targetting a UN plane, Talos calls G’iah. She’s been subtly helping her father out, from calling the cops last week to giving her father a cell phone this week while disguised. Talos asks her to get the codes, which involves her breaking her cover and going into the room full of imprisoned people that the Skrulls have impersonated. Since they’re also taking memories now, G’iah can navigate Robert’s memories to get the codes, which she does.

[Credit: Marvel Studios/Disney+]

It’s all rather easy if you think about it, there wasn’t much resistance at the base and G’iah was able to get in and out of the compound with ease. There wasn’t even a guard at the gate! And that’s because Gravik was playing a game. The mission wasn’t the UN plane, but to find the traitor in their midst. The plane was a bonus. Considering G’iah is played by Emilia Clarke, I assumed she had some level of plot armour on, but Gravik quickly and coldly executes her and the kill is confirmed due to G’iah transitioning back to her alien self, something we know Skrulls do when they die. I didn’t see it coming. I hope that Marvel commits to the death and that she’s not playing Gravik, too often the MCU cheapens death and this show is showcasing that there are consequences while trying to save the world. Plus, I’m very interested in how this will affect Talos going forward.

[Credit: Marvel Studios/Disney+]

My other favourite scene of the episode was when Talos and Gravik sat down at a museum restaurant to parlé. First of all, that word is ruined thanks to Pirates of the Caribbean. Second, it was a great scene where the two figureheads would verbally spar with each other, with Gravik cutting deep at one point, causing Talos to lash out and revealing that everyone in the room was also one of Gravik’s Skrulls by changing into Gravik in unison. It was chilling and effective, it showcased Gravik’s dominance. His guards didn’t seem too on point though, as Talos was able to stab Gravik later in the conversation, which we then learn he has healing powers, probably a result of him being a Super Skrull, something he reveals to the Council in this episode which will give the Skrulls powers.

[Credit: Marvel Studios/Disney+]

Elsewhere, we got a solid scene with Varra and Fury, where she confesses the pain of losing Fury to the Blip only to lose him again voluntarily once he came back. She does seem to be up to something, as she reached out to Rhodey at the end of the episode. The question is, are they working with or against Fury? I know viewership is down for this show, which is a shame, but I am quite enjoying the slow-burn approach to a Marvel property, one that isn’t bound by big CGI action scenes and tons of quips. It feels refreshing, plus I like a good spy yarn so it’s a win in my books.

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